Monday 24 June 2013

Week 3 : Whoops…

Yup — I didn't lose this week. Well, technically I did lose a tiny bit. But I don't think a post-poo 0.2lbs is worth mentioning, do you? (And yet I just did…)

It's fine, seriously. In a way, it was good to test the limits of this diet a bit. This week, I did four exercise sessions and had about 2000 calories every day ( I know, what a lard-bucket), resulting in me staying exactly the same weight as last week. So as maintenance plans go, that's not bad! But seeing as I don't want to maintain this chubby body, I will be running a tight ship this week. And by 'tight' I obviously mean a fairly loose regimen that has me eating Cadbury Trifles and such. 

I am getting to grips with 5:2 otherwise. Soup for lunch, protein and veg for dinner — it's nice not having to obsess over EVERY meal, EVERY day. I tell you one thing though — I am so fucking pleased when I go to bed on a fast day, because tomorrow will be filled with a cheese muffin or some crisps or a biscuit.

However, I did notice one quite disgusting thing about last week! According to my weekly round-up on myfitnesspal (MFP), I ate 19% protein and a whopping 41% of FAT. DOUBLE THE AMOUNT. That is gross. And wrong. And explains a lot. So this week I need to keep an eye on my intake. Especially as I am terrified of dying. (Ha! You were not expecting me to bust that one out, were you?) Like, ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED. It is the one thing that genuinely makes me feel like I might throw up. My brain can't compute death — mine or anyone else's. I know I HAVE to die (as does everyone), but it might be nice to prolong my life by a) not getting diabetes, b) cutting back on salt, c) staying fit. URGH. 

Bearing this in mind, it means that running (or any exercise) can no longer be something I only do when I want to lose weight — it needs to be a way of life. Which is why God bestowed a lovely belated running injury on me at about 11pm on Saturday night. Fuck knows what happened — my run at 4pm was absolutely fine. Then suddenly, 7 hours later, I can barely walk on my left foot. I think my hardcore massaging just made it worse ("Squeeze out the pain! Squeeze out the pain!"), because it was still really stiff all of Sunday, but today it seems better. But I think I should skip Zumba tonight… you know, just in case... (Get nasty, get nasty…) 

Oh, I forgot to mention — last week in Zumba, we did what the instructor called "a song from the East" — it was some sort of Asian tune. I swear she was making waaaaaay more eye contact with me (being the only brown in town), as if to say "Come on, you've been shit at everything else today — you should at least be good at THIS one…" — that is fucking racist, man! What, just cos I'm brown?

Sadly, I nailed that dance. BIG TIME. 


  1. Aw that sucks but you did suspect it might be a little too good to be true. It's like the 'you can eat anything you want while breastfeeding' myth. It took many weeks of chocolate for breakfast before I realised that was a lie.

  2. I still think it's an excellent way to lose weight, but I think eating ANYTHING you want is not going to get you where you want to be. Especially, if you are a foodie with a bottomless stomach!

    Aww man - you can't stuff your face whilst you are breastfeeding?? I thought that was the whole point of getting pregnant?? (I now have an image of me breastfeeding with a baby in one hand, and a hot dog in the other...)

  3. Actually you know what, I think you can probably eat a whole lot while breastfeeding and not put on weight, but when you're carrying an extra stone you really want to be losing so you can fit into your summer clothes.

    And the midwife told me that in some Asian cultures the woman's feet aren't supposed to touch the floor for 30 days after giving birth, so she sits on the sofa eating snacks and feeding the baby while everyone else does her housework. Make sure your mum knows about that tradition. I tried to educate mine but she just said I had to stop being such a hermit and leave the house.

    Also my sister is thinking of doing this diet so I'll let her know your thoughts. She's off on an all-inclusive holiday in a few days so I doubt she'll want to start before that!

  4. Maybe it's easy to maintain your weight whilst eating a long when you are breastfeeding?

    30 days of snacking and nothing else? Sounds good to me! Baby time is a long way away... but I found something else! I read an article on the BBC where women would sit in a cut-out hole in the bed being fed FOR A YEAR before their marriage to fatten them up. I'm doing it!
