Tuesday 13 August 2013

Week 10 : A Bit Of A Blur

I am currently suffering from sinusitis, and it is really dragging too. I feel like I have been in a bit of a daze for a week now, and everything has been a bit hazy to say the least! I was genuinely excited about my new exercise plan, but it was halted before it even really got off the ground, but I would really like to run tomorrow, if only to not feel so bad about needing so much sleep at the moment! 

I went for a lovely Greek meal with two of my friends last week, and I didn't even have ice cream for dessert! I was pretty impressed with myself. Hey, it's a start… So I was very pleased to have lost a bit of weight (0.6lbs), given my fasts have been terrible. I have decided that soup is just not filling enough because when I get to the afternoon, I am ravenous and end up snacking, which takes me over my 500 calories. So going to have to think of some better food to eat. Sorry soup — you are cheap and easy, but you are not quite big enough for this ride (?)

I had a bit of a fuck up with a cake I was making in the week, actually. That was depressing because I was really looking forward to it and it was just a massive let down. So the story goes: I wanted to make a nice cake for my sister who was coming back from Japan after a year. Instead of rolling out the usual cupcakes, I decided to make a sponge filled with whipped cream and strawberries — summery and easy, right? Apparently not. I baked the sponges and they looked great, so I got to work on the filling, which was strawberries mixed with jam, and whipped cream. Fuck knows what was up with this pot of double cream. I decided against using an electric whisk because I wanted it to be in soft peaks, but I had literally only whisked it about five times with a balloon whisk when the cream went PROPER THICK. Like, way thicker than I needed it to be. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! OK, never mind, I thought. I will just gently mix in some more double cream, right? Wrong. It just got thicker and thicker. In a panic, I decided to dump it on the sponge as it was and then maybe just try again with the last of the cream. This did not work either. Even though I was stirring slowly WITH A SPOON, it went really thick again! There wasn't much I could do at that point, so I just popped on the top sponge, decorated it and put it in the fridge. The next day (after eating way too much of my mum's curry), I presented the cake to my sis and tried to cut a slice. Motherfucker. No joke — it was a struggle to get quite a large butcher knife through it. I reckon I might have knocked too much air out of the batter when folding in the flour, and it probably didn't help that I had chilled the cake in a very cold fridge for 24 hours. And because it was so dry, it had TOTALLY absorbed the little moisture that was left in the cream. If I had wanted to be positive about this baking monstrosity, I would have said it was like a scones-and-clotted-cream cake. Except the sponge was no way as nice as scones, the strawberries were soggy and the cream had turned into what felt like chunks of butter. Disaster. But everyone had a piece. It tasted OK, but it was not what I had in mind… Welcome home sis!

Like. A. Rock.

My sinusitis was getting worse and worse and come Friday, I had to take a sick day. I didn't feel like going down to the shops to get any food, but then I remembered I had bought something from the reduced aisle the day before — doughnut sandwiches. Yes, I know you all think they sound disgusting, but I kinda liked the idea! (They obviously aren't sugared or filled with jam.) I like to try new things and I had previously read about something similar here that made me drool : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Burger

Eww. It was GROSS. I ate the BLT but I could not get through the second, and I will eat almost ANYTHING. I really hate waste, but this was too grim, and no amount of sriracha was going to help. Oh yes readers, I thought the situation was going to improve once I added a spicy eastern sauce to the mix. I think the combination of crisp salad veg against the backdrop of a greasy doughnut bun was what did pushed me over the edge... Yuk! I tossed it into the kitchen and shut the door for the rest of the day *shudder* On the plus side, it has put me right off doughnuts. 

Oh god, me and Blog Mate watched a very interesting documentary on the BBC. It was called The Men Who Made Us Thin, and it was depressing as fuck. Catch it on iPlayer if you can. It's all about diets and how basically everyone — after losing weight on ANY diet programme —will put it back on in five years. What the fuck is the fucking point??? How do we lose fucking weight then? Do fat people just have to accept they will always be fat?

URGH. I am going to try and watch it again and see if I can glean any meaning or hope from it… If you have any thoughts on it, please let me know!

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